Start ’em off right my friends! I absolutely love that Young Living now has a starter kit just for kiddos!
Do you know anyone who needs help with their kid’s sleeping, 😴emotions, focus, owies and all the things?
* And who can say no to Feather the owl diffuser? #cutest
Have you gotten the all new Little Oilers Collection Kit? Our littles NEED all the help they can get to be healthy and keep a low toxin load. (This is one way to eliminate many common toxins kiddos are often exposed to!). The prediluted bottle with the rollers make it safe to apply anytime!
Which oil will be your favorite ?
This kit will be a game changer in so many homes…. it could be in yours too😘.
xoxo~ liz
Get the good stuff for your kiddos (and for yourself too!)