Elizabeth James
Research on raw milk led me to this conclusion…… if the food industry has been distorting truth in order to maximize profit, who else has been?…. And as I was pointing one finger at processed foods, three fingers pointed back at myself and the pharmaceutical industry I worked for…….. And my real studying began!
We in the healthcare industry practice what we are taught in school…. subsidized by drug companies, by drug reps once we are out of school, and through information dispensed by the medical insurance industry (who has no right to practice medicine, and yet they do). We only know what we’ve been required to learn in order to practice within the scope of our degrees and licenses. I spent the first 1/3rd of my pharmacy career believing and practicing exactly the same way.
But this niggling in my soul…. The uneasiness of what was true, what was distorted truth, and what was left out of the equation entirely had aroused my curiosity and discernment.
Coincidentally, during this same period, I was working for a company whose specialty was infertility, chronic diseases and autoimmune disorders… effectively, the portions of our population who have been hit the hardest by toxin loads.
Why….. with all this healthcare we have available…. Is our country’s current generation the sickest one in history?….Not just physically sick, but also emotionally unwell. Autism. Where did that come from? If you were born before 1970, you’d probably be hard pressed to identify even one family with a child who was on the spectrum during your grade school years.
I began learning about other healing modalities a little bit at a time, and the more I learned, the greater I came to respect chiropractic care, naturopathy, and pharmacognosy (something that is not generally taught in Pharmacy School), nutrition, proper exercise, the absolute (and underutilized) necessity of thorough lab work analysis , infrared saunas, acupuncture, faith, and the role emotions play on our physical health. The list goes on….
I became certified as a health coach in an effort to better help people avoid dis-ease or recover from it. . After taking yoga for years and seeing the power of healing thru movement….. I stepped into the classroom again and became a Christian faith based yoga instructor.
Lab Work is a valuable tool that can reveal many pieces of the puzzle, yet it is so terribly underutilized, often because insurance won’t pay for what is needed, and doctors are tired of fighting the insurance companies, so many quit writing orders for advanced labs. I took a course in advanced lab work analysis to help me give people better direction when health coaching.
With each piece I learned, I felt like I was re-learning pharmacy from a very different place. Dissecting truth from the narrative….. Often leaving me wondering why “alternative medicine” is called “alternative” when those modalities have all been around hundreds or thousands of years longer than Jesus himself, yet modern medicine is barely 100 years old. It seems backwards, doesn’t it? Most other cultures never gave up their herbs and holistic care of the body. How did it happen in the USA?
Adding to my studies and quest for truth, logic and numbers simply didn’t add up…..
128,000 Americans die each year as a result of taking prescription meds as prescribed…. A number that doesn’t include prescribing errors.
1.5 – 2.7 MILLION hospitalizations a year are due to adverse drug reactions.
“Most people who are harmed by prescription drugs [are] taking the drug as prescribed,” says Dr. Michael Carome, director of the Health Research Group at the consumer watchdog Public Citizen
In comparison, deaths and/or hospitalizations due to holistic care are almost nonexistent.
My ingrained wholehearted belief in the pharmaceutical industry had developed some fairly significant cracks in it…. and it became harder and harder to embrace the career I had chosen, and to practice in the way I was expected to by my employer. Shouldn’t an industry professing to help us (humans) be striving to get us well instead of driving us deeper into sickness (according to statistics)?
Why are 20% of Americans on 5 or more prescription meds?
Why does the USA consume 95% of the world’s opioid supply?
Why do more than half of American adults have one or more chronic diseases?
Lest you think I am anti western medicine, I’m not. There is definitely a time and a place for it in our healthcare system (emergent medicine comes to mind), but it is vastly over used. We truly can and do thrive when mind, body, and spirit are cared for as a whole instead of as individual parts.
Oh! ….the rest of my health story? I was able to heal my bones and my cholesterol thru diet and a few basic supplements. That was verified in a second bone density scan 15 years later compliments of a run in with a bull!
If I could impart any words of wisdom to you, it would be this:
Do your own research. You are the captain of your own ship. If 2020 has taught us anything, it should be this.
Keep an open mind.
Just because mainstream medicine doesn’t talk about it doesn’t mean it isn’t effective.
Look at who ultimately wins financially if we are a chronically sick country…..those with the gold make the rules.
As long as we live, we will always be a work in progress…. An incredibly complex work of art designed by God. Never stop taking care of yourself!
I’d love to offer you the beautiful opportunity to change, grow, learn and live your best life in the body God gifted each one of us. Perhaps this is the beginning of the moment for which you have been created (Esther 4:14)!