Kristine Lucius asked me the following question over on my FB business page (The Wellness Prepper) about this picture that pops up from time to time regarding NingXia Red……
**She wrote, ” Does it (goji berries/ aka wolfberries) help blood cells receive oxygen?”.**
**Here is my response: **While I cannot say that the picture itself is accurate (although it probably is in my opinion), I can tell you that what you are looking at is acidic blood versus alkaline blood (pH). Acidic blood will be clumpy like that. Healthy slightly alkaline blood is oxygen rich (acidic blood is oxygen poor). Alkaline blood flows more freely, is not apt to be clumpy, and allows for higher oxygen content.
To better explain the effects of wolfberries on the blood, I think you all will enjoy this short video put together by a John Hopkins trained Medical Researcher and Oncologist. His video looks at the effects of goji berries on the blood, and how they effectively reduce the acidity of the blood, as well as appearing to do a bit more. I think you’ll find it fascinating! (I did!). (9minute video)
I will add that Charlie and I both had our blood evaluated in this very same way at the clinic on the YL Ecuador farm at Platinum Retreat….. it was FASCINATING, and I learned that this type of “microscopic blood reading” can yield a wealth of information about your health!