Do you believe in the importance of free speech and unique thoughts and concepts? I do. It’s our varied brains God gave us that created all the “extras” in our world. Without them, we wouldn’t be enjoying electricity, airplanes, advanced medical procedures, books, art, and the like. #GodblessAmerica
I find it disturbing that critical thinking is now so discouraged that those with valid, science based facts are censored 😶 on mainstream social media. Mainstream media and “respected” 3 letter government agencies are also complicit in either censoring, publishing unreliable data or outright twisting the truth. #whyaretheysuppressingthetruth
I’d like to share with you how I have come to vet those whom I hear, that which I read, and guard what (and whom) I watch, because it certainly has become more difficult.
I look at the context and the intention of what I read or view, and then I compare the contents to these two simple Biblical truths:
1. Is the purveyor relaying inconsistent or incongruous information? Does the information itself condone or promote chaos, hatred and/or fear? If so, Satan has a foothold somewhere within it.
2. Does the purveyor of the information utilize logic and promote peace, kindness or love , and faith? If so….then I don’t stop…. I dig a little deeper and look for both scientific and Biblical discourse that align (or disprove) the evidence that has been presented. If I cannot find additional solid logical scientific AND Biblical evidence that give further credence to what I’ve just “consumed” with my eyes or ears, I table the information for further evaluation.
3. And recently, I’ve come to add a 3rd vetting: Is the information highly censored by major social media platforms despite the First Amendment? If so….. THAT’S a red herring for truth more often than not.
🐟Eat the fish and spit out the bones. 🐟
Which brings me to this very important study I came across a few days ago that has since been censored by Facebook.
(I’d be happy to send you the link. PM me)
The details of the study are these:
*There most assuredly IS early treatment available for the ‘virus’.. Thousands of doctors who are honoring their oath to protect and serve the patients in their care know this, and they are being prosecuted, chastised, and threatened for prescribing ‘the treatment’.
Why are we not rejoicing that there IS help without waiting in blind trust of an untested v@ ccine? Why is the truth being censored? Why do those of us who care enough to speak out have to mince our words as I am doing here?
*Early treatment is necessary, yet the majority of doctors who operate under fear for their licenses/livelihood decline to even suggest it to a patient, instead telling them to wait it out at home unless breathing becomes difficult. #thatsnogoodstewardshipofknowledge
*I talk to people everywhere I go. I’ve talked to people who had “it”…. And never knew there was a treatment…. Some of whom have suffered greatly because of that omission.
I’ve talked to others who did “the treatment” and had a super quick recovery.
I’ve talked to still others who tested positive and never had a single symptom. (not that I trust the testing even one iota!)
*The “treatment” in question has been on the safest medication list (CDC generated info) for decades……and used as a common preventative and treatment for a certain killer mosquito borne disease. #malariaisatopkillerinourworldandworsethantherona
If you look it up on the CDC website, you’ll find that the CDC states…. “…. can be prescribed to adults AND CHILDREN of all ages. It can also be safely taken by PREGNANT and NURSING MOTHERS.”
👆This statement is rare among pharmacologicals.👆 Real rare…… but this pharmacological is the synthetic alternative to quinine…. A naturally occurring compound found in the bark of the cinchona tree. Quinine has been used for at least 500 years (if not longer) as a viable naturally sourced medication used for respiratory infections and many other conditions. The synthetic “treatment” is cheap, effective, safe, and over the counter in many countries.
Applying logic……. why then, would the CDC claim that this medication is too dangerous for a “virus” patient? #thingsthatmakeyougohmmmmm
A few factoids about this trial that caught my attention:
💊It is a large trial: 1.8 Billion people in the treatment group, and 663 million in the control group.
💊Countries involved in the trial account for 31.2% of our world’s population.
💊People with comorbidities were included in the trial: diabetes, obesity, hypertension, etc.
💊Other possible factors affecting the outcome were also examined: population density, urbanization, testing level, intervention level, life expectancy etc.
The study shows, on MASSIVE scale, that the treatment group has a 77.4% lower chance of death than the control group.
Now, I don’t know about you……. But if a 20$ prescription cuts the odds of dying by more than 2/3rds (and of minimizing symptoms)…. Isn’t that worth taking note? And isn’t this worth fighting for, if you have someone who has tested positive and has symptoms? It certainly beats the odds of surviving a hospital stay compliments of the invisible enemy.
Again….. Logic. Peace. Love. Faith.
❤️I tend towards trusting doctors who are willing to go up against the establishment to do the right thing. That’s LOVE in action. #theyaredoinghardthingsfortherightreason
❤️I tend towards resting in the PEACE of knowing there is treatment available if you go to a doctor who is willing to do the right thing. #itsafixablehealthconcern
❤️I tend to have FAITH in the immune system that God gave each one of us. I have nurtured my immune system over the years, and I have faith that it will continue to serve me well… and if it should fail, I know a good doctor who will give me what I need 😉. (Please PM me if you want this same kind of faith in both God and your immune system). #lovepeaceandfaithinaction
❤️I tend towards believing that which is LOGICAL, not that which is inconsistent, inaccurate, and chaos driven. #logicoverlunaccy
Please friends, I know you have friends and family all over the world. If you hear of someone you know and care about who has tested positive and who has symptoms….. Please ask them if their doctor has provided them with a prescription for “the treatment”. It’s safe and it’s effective, and it should be illegal to withhold this information from someone who needs it.
xoxo~ liz