Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness❤🙏🇺🇸…. my thoughts on these jab mandates. 1. A mandate is not a law no matter how it is worded. Do some digging if you don’t believe me. 2. If you feel backed into a corner by your employer, get (in writing) their commitment to you and your family that they will take care of both you and your family physically and financially if something goes terribly wrong. (Visit if you believe the jabs are safe. Currently, over 1.7 million people in the USA would say differently based on personal experience) Should they fail to honor that in writing, understand that if you are unable to work because of any after effects, nobody will compensate for damages. The vaccine companies have zero financial liability thanks to an obscene law instated in 1986. No other industry has this kind of immunity / protection if injury results. 3. Find another job. Small businesses are hiring everywhere. Get creative and start a business yourself. God has blessed every single one of us with gifts to use. I’ve been watching peoples side businesses evolve into full time ventures especially now. God is in the details. I speak from personal experience on this and would be happy to share. Faith in God’s hand is key… if you walk outside His presence, I imagine it ( anything really) would be very difficult. 4. If you are in Texas, call Abbott’s hotline.…/abbotts-answer-to-vaccine…/ This phone line (number in the link) should be ringing nonstop right now. 5. Health insurance. Yes, I know. I’m not disagreeing its importance, especially when it comes to a critical care situation. I also know that insurance premiums are insane and rarely cover treatments or things outside of western 💊 medicine. Heck, they often don’t even cover that without jumping thru a dozen hoops. Look into alternatives that are more affordable like health shares or critical care only and then invest in truly taking care of yourself by spending money on quality food, supplements, gym time etc. The healthiest people i know (and I know many) are those who have chosen to live outside a Big Pharma lifestyle. Vibrant health does in fact exist, and it’s a beautiful thing, but it does require work. You can pay the farmer 👩🌾 or pay the pharmacist 👨🔬, but either way, we will all pay one of them eventually. I had a conversation with one of my coaching clients earlier this week and my heart is so full having helped him successfully turn his health around. He has taken control of his health and is now almost completely off of all medications. It takes a village (I’m not the only one involved in his journey) and a desire to change, but it certainly can be done! 6. Rolling over and “doing the thing” is not the solution especially if you already know the truth. God has gifted you with discernment and hopefully you’ve been using it thusfar. He gave you that discernment. Don’t disregard the Holy Spirit’s prompting. It is a gift everyone receives for a reason, and God asks us to step out in faith. Discernment is like a muscle….. the more you use it, the stronger it gets. “Go along to get along” cripples discernment. Besides, receiving the jab to ensure a paycheck would be like applying duct tape to a leaky tire….. a very short term solution. Nothing created by man will ever surpass God’s creation of our immune system. If we had to rely on man to be healthy, humanity would have been extinct eons ago. We were all created for a time such as this. We have the tools. If you are lacking the like minded community, message me. There is plenty of room at our table. xoxo~ liz PS: smart foster kitty knows her preferred reading materials. She is still looking for a forever home! #sharingiscaring #raisinglions #usingGodsgiftsisgoodmedicine |