I just finished reading a book called “A Good Life Interrupted” by Sam Girod, an Amish farmer and businessman. It’s about the recent 3+ year (of a 60+ year sentence) incarceration of an Amish grandfather who was convicted by the FDA of selling a chickweed salve.
This 6 minute video is another example of the attempted bullying of another Amish gentleman for selling raw milk.
Friends, if you don’t think our food and natural medicine freedoms are under accelerated assault, you are gravely mislead.
Recall that the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA is medical error, and the 5th leading cause of death is medication use….. and those numbers are rising!
Please. Learn your rights. Learn the Constitution. And learn to take care of yourself (God gave us plants for a purpose…. and they aren’t just for eating….. Revelation 22:2… and the leave of the tree were for the healing of nations. That’s not just figurative speech. That’s literal!) in a manner that honors the temple we live in …. our bodies!
I am an enormous proponent of raw milk because it was key in my personal healing of osteopenia and unhealthy cholesterol ratios 23 years ago. If you need research sources, please visit the Weston A Price Foundation to learn more about healing foods.
Understand that if food and health and healing modalities are 100% controlled outside our own personal abilities, we are slaves to that entity. The Constitution only protects us if we understand what it says and how it works. The more the Constitution gets twisted and trampled (because We the People haven’t defended it properly), the more our God Given rights get taken away from us.
This is more than just voting. This is about getting involved at the grassroots level, and stepping up and supporting our neighbors and friends (like this good fellow neighbor who arrived quickly to film for the Amish gentleman) when they do stand up against the establishment. Remember, it may not matter to you at this moment…. but when they come for you or your family, it will matter quite a lot. I so admire those who stand firmly in protection of personal rights and pray for them daily.
Knowing your rights and the Constitution is Good Medicine.