My “gateway drug” to better health and understanding the truth about natural ways to heal started in my mid 30’s when I had broken my wrist. I was working as a pharmacist at Walmart back in the mid 1990’s……. counting pills etc with a cast on my arm. In the course of 2 weeks, two different precious ladies (angels really!) changed my life by telling me I needed to drink raw milk to heal my bone more quickly.
The first lady told me this, and I remember thinking “oh Lordy, raw milk is sooo dangerous”, I could never do that (pure ignorance and ego on my part. After all, I was the one who had gone to school to combat disease and dysfunction ).
About a week later, the second pharmacy customer came by and said something similar, only this time, I heard the Lord say, “I told you once, here’s your second chance to hear what I’m trying to tell you. Don’t be stiff necked about this. ” It was the nudge I needed and prompted me to do some research outside of what I had been fed in school and by media. I found a book…. The Untold Story of Milk by Ron Schmid. It’s more of a textbook that combines history and science, and it changed the trajectory of my life.
Back then, I was an indoctrinated cog in the wheel of the medical industrial complex, just like everyone almost everyone else who goes through the western medical professional education system, However, once I learned the truth about raw milk and the milk industry, it gave me a thirst for what was actually true….. not that which was driven by money and profit.
The layers of the onion are many.
The Bible talks about milk quite a lot ( 68 times to be exact) and for good reason. It is healing and it is nourishing…. lifegiving.
Here’s an interesting article, originally written in 1929 I think you’ll find interesting.
Don’t let bias, belief, or ego get in the way of learning the truth….. not just about milk, but about anything that may be standing in the way of mind, body, spirit health.
The Bible speaks of stiff necked people too…. 40 times.
Have a raw milk moustache Monday!
xoxo~ liz