The application of knowledge is power… and it can save you a ton of money and time too.
Had a little boo boo this weekend that ranked on the “stitchable” list.
Anyone could do what I did… assess the situation and then either apply self care, or head to the professionals.
In this case, self care was the definite answer because I had the tools available and no body parts were dangling 😂 #beentheredonethat
Girl scouts used to teach good first aid skills… do they still do that? This is stuff every person should know…. because life happens.
Here is my M.O. in such events:
1. Assess the situation
2. Clean up the wound #wehavetheantibacterialsoapforthat
3. Stop the bleeding #wehaveoilsforthat
4. Apply the nifty bandage #easytobuyandkeeponhand
5. Take extra immune supportive measure (internally and externally for the next 10 days)
I trust my tools I have on hand…. that’s half the battle. Poor quality tools will not be your friend. (The other half is not being squeamish about a little blood!)
Do you have what you need to manage life’s little boo boo’s?
Our YL tribe teaches each other skills (like these) that used to be handed down generation to generation. We are the keepers of our selves, and it is a blessing to have what you need on hand and know how to use it!
If 2020 has shown us nothing else, it’s that we need to be prepared to care for our selves and our family (and pets!) as much as possible.
Come be a part of my tribe! We share info freely at the table!
xoxo~ liz