Young Living November Gifts 2024
And just like that….. we are 2 months away from 2025 . This season of festivities and planning for the upcoming new year creeps up on us so fast. Truly, the days are long but the years are short!
I love the symbolism and thoughtfulness behind Young Living’s choice of gifts they offer us each month. November and December are usually months of excess noshing and feasting, and they are also often the months of greatest worry as the end of the year is a time for reflection. I don’t know about you, but for me, this is the greatest time of year when my digestive system tends to need a little extra help processing both food and emotions! That gut-brain connection is scientifically proven!
Β 100PV Loyalty Order: 5ml DiGize Vitality essential oil blend
Pro tip: Add 1 drop to honey and mix it in warm water before your feast to support digestion and soothe occasional stomach discomfort. (I use it straight…. no honey… and carry it with me at all times. You wouldn’t believe how many people around you suffer from indigestion and would benefit from this easy to share oil. It’s like pulling a thorn out of the lion’s paw…… so helpful, and your friends will thank you for the relief! If you don’t like the taste, dab a drop in your belly button. If you don’t like the smell…. apply to the bottoms of your feet and cover with socks!Β )
Β 200PV Order: 15ml Abundance essential oil blend
Pro tip: No Young Living oil blend is created without a great deal of thought and science backed purpose poured into each blending. One of the greatest truths about lack is the aspect of poverty mindset, and that mindset can be generational in families. If you have any downtime in the next few months, I’d like to suggest picking up a copy of the book, It Is What You Make It by Steve Gilliland, and then consider diffusing this warm, spicy, inviting blend during your days, gatherings, and as you read this book. (Change your mindset, change your personal worldΒ ). Neural pathways usually need remodeling as you create your own abundance (of whatever you may be lacking in life), and the blend Abundance is created for a time such as this!
300PV Order: AlkaLime stick packs, 30 ct.
Pro tip: Indulging in acidic holiday treats …..ahem….. sugar season combined with eating foods you may not be accustomed to eating often creates rumblies in the tummy! This is another “on the go” tool to carry with you and perhaps even share with a friend in need. Mix 1 stick pack in water for an alkalinizing drink that starts working right away to soothe the occasional upset stomach.
Final thoughts about abundance this beautiful November 1st morning….. there is no greater gift (other than leading someone to Jesus ) than to give someone than the gift of empowerment in whatever areas of life they may feel defeated or struggling in. We (the Young Living family) are here to help as a community. Overcoming struggles is easier in community. Is there someone you know who could use some health help? Some community support? Maybe even a little extra income to help pay for their own restoration of health journey?…. or perhaps this is you? If you are already part of the Young Living family, reach out to someone you know and trust. (If you are not yet a Young Living member, please feel free to privately message me.) The cumulative knowledge in the Young Living community is so valuable… priceless in many cases…. each one of us has a story, a path, and a journey that has been given to you (and me). We have experiences in life we learn from so that we can lead others with our “been there done that” knowledge. Don’t let sharing intimidate you…. be the hands and feet that lead others towards overcoming their lack.
One of my personal mottos is this: “You’ll never know if you can do something, if you don’t just do the thing.”
xoxo~ liz
Spiritual Knowledge Weekend 2024
Final preps today for this weekend’s conference (so looking forward to seeing some of you there!…. Terry, Melissa, Melissa, Melissa (all 3 of you! ), Tammy, Sandra, I Will Stand International / Andrea , Andee, Sonya, and so many others! It’s going to be a life changing/ life giving weekend!
Knowledge is always optional…… tho destruction can be avoided and a temple can be rebuilt if knowledge is gained and applied !