2025 is just around the corner. Are you looking forward to the new year of opportunity to further become all God intends for you?
I am!
People who know me well might likely call me courageous, even at a young age. In many ways, this picture is me, both as a kiddo and as an adult. (and yes, I have been charged by both a bull and a bear in my lifetime… so far ).
I have some big plans this year, and while I’m not afraid of the work that is required to make them happen, the one thing I struggle with is the “what if I let someone down?” in the process. I know that “feeling” is a spiritual oppressor trying to stall my victory on these plans. It’s better to face that oppressor head on than to leave it lurking behind me in the shadows where it can do damage. It has no hold when the light is shining brightly on it. Please consider praying for me in 2025 on this specifically. (I’d be happy to share what two of my big goals are over a text, phone call, or a cuppa tea )
How may I pray for your word, theme, goal, or struggle as we walk in to 2025?
Happy New Year! xoxo~ liz
PS: here’s a great article on courage . https://www.theepochtimes.com/…/courage-the-risks-you…