I sure do love my Jordan. She is a firecracker, owns her own gym and online fitness program, and I’m blessed to be her godmother! Keep on speaking truth girl… the world needs to hear you! 😘
At what point in our life do we go from celebrating our weight to obsessing over it?
My 4 year old steps on the scale and says, “I weigh 45 inches!!” and we all celebrate how much she’s growing (We’re working on correct measurements hehe)
My 7 year old grabs her cute little belly and says “I got a lotta muffins and pop tarts in there” and we all giggle.
But my 23 year old client really wants to lose 10lbs.
My 60 year old client is frustrated the scale hasn’t moved after weeks of trying.
It’s okay if you’re a kid.
It’s okay if you’re pregnant.
It’s okay if you’re old.
It’s okay if you’re sick.
It’s okay if you’re handicapped.
But if you’re between 15 and 60 and there’s nothing fundamentally “wrong” with your body’s ability to lose weight….. You 👏🏼better 👏🏼get 👏🏼it ! together!
No, I call bull shit.
It literally means nothing.
We KNOW that someone can be unhealthy and weigh 125 while someone else can be at their healthiest and weigh 175.
But we obsess, anyway.
It’s not moving. It’s not working. We’re failing. We’re gross. We should be embarrassed. This is dumb. Why do we even try.
It is working. Our health does matter. We shouldn’t be embarrassed. We are not failing. We can do it.
And the scale has nothing to do with any of it.
If you eat out every meal, make some adjustments. If you still drink 5 sodas a day, do a little better. If you know you could have a more balanced diet, add some fruits and veggies in. If you know you’re not currently at your healthiest, start being consistent in building better habits.
Our health is about how we feel, how our clothes fit, how well we can now get down and back up without hurting, how well we can play with our babies, how living feels better now than it used to, how we treat people better because we’re in a better mood, how we crave good food because we know we worked out hard that day.
It’s not the scale, sis.
It never will be.