You’ll never know something sometimes until you dig. Several years ago, I read a book that opened my eyes to the truth about some of the ingredients in vaccines. Since then, I’ve read everything I could get my paws on, and this knowledge is a large part of my walk away story from corporate pharmacy after 30 years in the business.
It IS true that, in 2012, the FDA voted to allow the use of human fetal cells and adult human tumor cells in vaccines, despite knowing that the end result might ultimately result in cancer for the recipient of the vaccine.
Cell lines are not listed as “fetal tissue” in a vaccine ingredient list…. this is where you’ll have to put your Sherlock Holmes hat on and get to digging. For example, the ingredient, PER-C6, looks harmless enough right? It does, until you do the aforementioned digging and realize it’s a fetal cell line from the eyeball of an 18 week old aborted human fetus. “They” take these cells from aborted fetus tissue (and there are several lines… I’m just mentioning one here) and manipulate them until they grow fast,furiously, and forever. Oncologists call cells like this cancer.
If you’d like to read more about this, head on over to The Children’s Health Defense website or Facebook page. Advocate and freedom fighter Robert F. Kennedy Jr. just released a really interesting article about this very thing.
In the meantime friends, I promise you this……. it will always be easier to avoid illness than to regain health.
Let’s chat!
xoxo~ liz