Please. Think on this. Aside from the fact that over 4 billion doses have been given in the last 40 years including children and pregnant women. Vilified truth should be looked at closely. Vilification doesn’t make truth untrue. Instead one might wonder why “they” are working so hard to do so.
As my wise grandfather used to say…. it’s a different kind of golden rule. “Those with the gold make the rules.” (And perhaps distort the truth to keep the gold flowing).
As an additional point of reference, Tylenol is harder on the liver than IVM. In fact, there is a lovely study showing the benefits of IVM in treating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (something an estimated 25% of North American have… and most are unaware they have it).
I realize all this information takes a little digging, but surely….. if we have learned anything….. it is to revive the gift of discernment God has given each and every one of us.
Remember, we are all worth more as a commodity to the Medical Industrial Complex (a real institution) if we are sick than if we are well, healthy, and living life using our gifts, talents, and treasures to help others. 🙏❤🙏