‘Rona Va((ine and Potential “bonus” effects video cliff notes: *video is now unavailable
I’ve notated key minute mark points in the video if you don’t have time to watch the whole thing, but are curious about a specific topic within the video. That said, the entire contents is important, so put your (preferably air tube) ear buds in and listen to it while you are doing chores or driving!
@3:50 Dec 10th 2020: Pfizer Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting findings.
Page 41 of this document: Serious adverse events, including death.
A total of 2 vaccine enrolled participants died. Both were over 55yrs old (not being reported by mainstream media).
😵Non fatal “bonus” effects noted:
@6:00 British regulatory committee (our FDA equivalent) recommend people who have had serious allergic reactions to medicines, vaccines, or food avoid the vaccine. Pregnant women and children have also been advised against taking the shot.
@7:30 no studies have been performed regarding ‘rona va((ine and interaction with any medications people might be on. (My thoughts: I would find this particularly troubling with the medications classified as biologics…. And often used in autoimmune disorders)
@8:05 Effects on Fertility: Unknown. No tests have been done on pregnant women. (My thoughts:…… and therefore, their offspring. Logic is important here!)
@8:42 4 early vax volunteers developed Bell’s Palsy (partial paralysis of one side of face)
@9:15 most side effects appear to happen after the second dose, but long term effects still remain unknown, AND WILL REMAIN UNKNOWN, until millions have gotten theirs. (My thoughts: how many years were drugs like Darvocet, Vioxx, DES , and Thalidomide [ ….pulled from the market for severe birth defects ….. Now on the market again, but with stricter guidelines for use] on the market, and how many people received the medications before the side effects showed up?
@11:24 “there will be strokes and heart attacks” because we are vaccinating a vulnerable population’. Yet….. the media is saying this will just be coincidental. Nothing to see here…. Move along. #doyourresearch
@12:00 yay. Govt regulators (ie: FDA) have plans to closely monitor the va((inated over the next two years…. Ie: expect surveillance of the jabbed.
@12:45 Important: slide/graphic of possible adverse event outcomes. (My thoughts: compare these long term side effects with a short term infection of the 99.97% survival rate ‘rona and come to your own conclusions).
@14:33 live coverage of govt meeting….. Note: they will be actively monitoring for events that include fetal deaths and infant outcomes. (My thoughts: not that there’s any going back once these events are recognized)
@15:30 What’s going on this flu season? According to the CDC, as of December 3rd 2020, REPORTED FLU HOSPITALIZATIONS are too low at this time to generate an estimate……. (My thoughts: folks, the CDC says the flu just isn’t here this year. And if you believe that, I’ve got a tropical island to sell you in Iceland)
@15:36 Positive association between ‘rona deaths and those who are getting the flu va((ine this year. (My thoughts: I’ve said this in earlier posts….. Don’t do it! This is one of the large reasons I left corporate retail pharmacy in September. I made a pledge to do no harm ….ie: Hippocratic oath…. when I became a pharmacist 30 years ago. My oath is my word, and I would rather not be paid than to go against that oath.)
@17:30 Reminder— There is no liability for vaccine manufacturers thanks to a law that went into effect in 1986…. only a fund paid for by taxpayers that is woefully inadequate for those who are injured for life….. vaccine makers get off scotfree regardless of outcome. (My thoughts: that’s right folks……. If you or a loved one are injured by a vaccine, there is no real compensation plan in place. This would be like driving thru Dallas during rush hour on a daily basis, and no drivers having any liability insurance. You are #onyourown should you choose to say yes to the vaks)
xoxo~ liz