Stats don’t lie. If you submit yourself to a hospital protocol, are you given full disclosure of the meds used on you? Remdesivir was pulled from an ebola study because of the damage that was being done to the kidneys.
What happens when the kidneys don’t work properly? Fluid begins backing up in the body.
What happens when fluid begins backing up in the body? Fluid begins to accumulate around the heart and in the lungs, which could be misinterpreted /misattributed to something else especially if you happen to be in the hospital for a respiratory illness.
Remdesivir didn’t suddenly become safer. All to “treat” something with a 99.9+ survival rate (there are also early , and highly successful outpatient treatment options).
You must be your own health advocate. Make sure you’ve done your research and that you have given a loved one Medical Power of Attorney before its needed. That in itself is a form of insurance….. otherwise, you may be at the complete mercy of a system that shaves off survival rates considerably by using Remdesivir.
I share because I care. Do your research!
xoxo~ liz