I’m really not a fan of the American Academy of Pediatrics recent release on their guidelines for childhood obesity. It’s a problem for a number of reasons, not the least of which is:
Their focus is on treatment, not prevention
Wegovy and more (ugh!!!)
Bariatric surgery for teens that fall into the BMI bracket (double ugh, with a nooooooooo!)
Whole food nutrition, exercise, healthy emotions, and adequate hydration is the answer in nearly all instances (barring a primary health problem that is causing the weight gain).
Kids are our leaders and our future. We need them healthy in body, spirit, and mind!
xoxo~ liz
(PS: The next round of 14 Day Reset begins April 10th. Message me if you’d like to hop in and join us… the information is free…. the ticket is NingXia Red (ticket: https://bit.ly/14-Day-Reset ) as it’s a key piece of the 14 Day Reset Puzzle! The level of education and community there is !)