What do cholesterol, baling wire and duct tape have in common? 👩🌾 #thelifeofafarmgirlpharmacist I know, weird question right? Here’s the thing…. I don’t know what we’d do around here on the farm without duct tape and baling wire when we need to patch something up in a pinch. (I can make one heck of a hoof bandage out of duct tape too!)
Cholesterol gets a bad rap 99% of the time because the real culprit is inflammation, yet cholesterol gets thrown under the tractor as the instigator. Cholesterol is just doing its job of patching up the super inflamed areas within the vascular system. Like a piece of duct tape, it will patch that spot right up. When you apply more and more and more cholesterol (aka duct tape) onto a chronically inflamed area in the vascular system, you will eventually end up with blockage. The cholesterol was just doing its job, while the inflammation was ignored. An inflamed vascular system is painless until you have that heart attack or stroke, which is why it’s important to have labwork done to find out what your inflammation markers look like. When you evaluate cholesterol at the same time, both can be addressed if needed.
And, just like duct tape, there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol (have you ever used a really cheap “off brand” of duct tape 😬 #yougetwhatyoupayfor ). We typically think of good cholesterol as being HDL and “bad” cholesterol as being LDL, when in fact, there are different types and patterns of LDL that are actually really healthy. The insurance companies rarely allow your doctor to run those tests tho, so you are left thinking that all your LDL is bad.
There are other factors in play of course, but the jist of it all is this….. every single cell in our body requires cholesterol to function properly, especially when it comes to our nerves and hormones, and it behooves us (if we want to function well) to know the full truth of our cholesterol, our inflammation, and an important, but little recognized genetic marker called lipoprotein a.
The lab I work with is having a quick sale right now on all of these tests. If you are interested in finding out what the “inner workings of you” look like, I would be honored to help you walk thru and understand your results!
Here’s the link for the lab work, and you can also book a complementary 30 min consult on my website for a comprehensive walkthru of the results: https://yourlabwork.com/adv-cholesterol-panel-0221-afl/…
(note: testing available in all states except New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Rhode Island and Arizona)
xoxo~ liz