He’s got our back y’all…. but that doesn’t mean we remain still.
~xoxo liz
Archives for October 2020
Good Company
Good morning friends! What a wonderful education filled weekend. 😍There isn’t anything much better than getting your cup filled in a God honoring way, surrounded by like minded people whose focus is helping lead others to truth and healing!
Enjoy your Monday, and if you haven’t already… seek out a circle of like minded folks who support you on your journey! Join us💖!
xoxo~ liz
Frugal Emergency Care
Let me preface this post by saying it’s never a good idea to get your hand in the way of a sharp object! That said, life happens.
One of the reasons I embraced YL 7 years ago was this: preparedness. We live on a farm, and minor accidents are not an uncommon thing. I’ve gotten really good at triaging what “we can fix ourselves” and what needs bigger attention by professionals who stitch for a living.
I’ve heard it said that “your oils are expensive “. True. They can be pricey, but quality products generally are. Let’s compare pricing here:
(We have a high deductible to meet, so all expenses would have been out of pocket)
Plan A:
💰A trip to the ER for a stitch up while company was in from out of town (time)
💰A covid test (personally not a fan of this)
💰Time waiting in the emergency room with a bunch of other people who might actually be sick.
💰💰stitches (according to this article, on insurance, it’s 500$ per stitch https://www.advisory.com/…/why-does-a-hospital-stitch… )
💰Avoiding a conversation as to what recommended toxins I should be adding to my body for the next 10 days. (priceless)
💰💰💰💰💰💰= roughly 1000$ or more (based on the link above, with insurance it probably would have been about 5 stitches)
Plan B:
👀 Taking a look at my wound and recognizing that it was stitch worthy but relatively superficial.
* Applying the practical knowledge gleaned from reading and listening to others in our Young Living community. #PricelessEducation
*Having the tools on hand and having confidence in them. (Add Thieves foaming hand soap and Inner Defense to the list here)
💰 I estimate that I spent about 100$ on Plan B. 🙌🙏💗 #winnerwinner
Economics. Are our oils worth it? You betcha!
Have a blessed Tuesday!
xoxo~ liz
PS: this post does not constitute medical advice!😘
German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks
Dr. Margarite Griesz- Brisson MD, Phd is a consultant neurologist and neurophysiologist with an additional PhD in pharmacology. She has a special focus in neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuroregeneration, and neuroplasticity. Those credentials certainly got my attention!
This video and transcript is both fascinating and sobering. Here are just a couple of tidbits if you don’t have time to read or watch:
* The human brain is very sensitive to oxygen deprivation… there are acute warning signs (headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues with concentration and cognition, and slowing down of reaction time). Over time, with chronic deprivation, those symptoms will disappear as the body adapts to “new normal”, but the damage continues to occur whether you feel the symptoms or not.
* Neurodegenerative diseases take years to decades to develop…. Dr. Griesz-Brisson is predicting an EXPONENTIAL INCREASE in dementia cases in the next decade thanks to #mandatorymaskingup.
Please friends, the numbers don’t lie. You have a greater chance of dying from a lightning strike⚡️ than the ‘rona . I watched my dad walk thru dementia before he passed away 7 years ago, and it is a heartbreaking way to live out the sunset years of a life. Is your brain function worth the oxygen deprivation? Medicine looks at something called risk versus benefit. If the risk of developing dementia does increase exponentially with #maskingup, is it worth it?
xoxo~ liz
A Victory Over Opioid
The USA consumes 95% of the world’s opioid products. 😔
Is it because we have more pain?…. or is it because there has been wolves in sheep’s clothing in Big Pharma in our country? I’m not a huge fan of CNN, but I was happy to see their article (below) today.
There are many “alternative” ways to manage pain that are underutilized. Frankly, I blame the insurance companies too….. for, more often than not, refusing to pay for many of the “alternative” modalities. It is my belief that pain relief should fall under the “Right to Try Act” that was passed a few years ago. I’ve watched and heard of way too many people dying of accidental overdoses from legal drug use. It happens. Don’t kid yourself into thinking it couldn’t happen to you or someone you love.
According to a legal eagle I know, this particular settlement is rather open ended (meaning families can still be compensated for bodily harm and wrongful death), although no amount of money could be compensation for someone’s life.
It’s been good to see this particular division of Big Pharma tighten up prescribing. Long term opioid use is an interesting creature. The more you use it to block pain, the more sensitive to pain you become…. so it’s really not a great answer for chronic pain (not to mention the dangers of it all).