The USA consumes 95% of the world’s opioid products. 😔
Is it because we have more pain?…. or is it because there has been wolves in sheep’s clothing in Big Pharma in our country? I’m not a huge fan of CNN, but I was happy to see their article (below) today.
There are many “alternative” ways to manage pain that are underutilized. Frankly, I blame the insurance companies too….. for, more often than not, refusing to pay for many of the “alternative” modalities. It is my belief that pain relief should fall under the “Right to Try Act” that was passed a few years ago. I’ve watched and heard of way too many people dying of accidental overdoses from legal drug use. It happens. Don’t kid yourself into thinking it couldn’t happen to you or someone you love.
According to a legal eagle I know, this particular settlement is rather open ended (meaning families can still be compensated for bodily harm and wrongful death), although no amount of money could be compensation for someone’s life.
It’s been good to see this particular division of Big Pharma tighten up prescribing. Long term opioid use is an interesting creature. The more you use it to block pain, the more sensitive to pain you become…. so it’s really not a great answer for chronic pain (not to mention the dangers of it all).Â