Let me preface this post by saying it’s never a good idea to get your hand in the way of a sharp object! That said, life happens.
One of the reasons I embraced YL 7 years ago was this: preparedness. We live on a farm, and minor accidents are not an uncommon thing. I’ve gotten really good at triaging what “we can fix ourselves” and what needs bigger attention by professionals who stitch for a living.
I’ve heard it said that “your oils are expensive “. True. They can be pricey, but quality products generally are. Let’s compare pricing here:
(We have a high deductible to meet, so all expenses would have been out of pocket)
Plan A:
💰A trip to the ER for a stitch up while company was in from out of town (time)
💰A covid test (personally not a fan of this)
💰Time waiting in the emergency room with a bunch of other people who might actually be sick.
💰💰stitches (according to this article, on insurance, it’s 500$ per stitch https://www.advisory.com/…/why-does-a-hospital-stitch… )
💰Avoiding a conversation as to what recommended toxins I should be adding to my body for the next 10 days. (priceless)
💰💰💰💰💰💰= roughly 1000$ or more (based on the link above, with insurance it probably would have been about 5 stitches)
Plan B:
👀 Taking a look at my wound and recognizing that it was stitch worthy but relatively superficial.
* Applying the practical knowledge gleaned from reading and listening to others in our Young Living community. #PricelessEducation
*Having the tools on hand and having confidence in them. (Add Thieves foaming hand soap and Inner Defense to the list here)
💰 I estimate that I spent about 100$ on Plan B. 🙌🙏💗 #winnerwinner
Economics. Are our oils worth it? You betcha!
Have a blessed Tuesday!
xoxo~ liz
PS: this post does not constitute medical advice!😘