Happy New Year friends! Are you ready for 2023? I have been looking forward to beginning this year with an unusual degree of anticipation !
Young Living January order gifts with purchase (ha ha!….. I just accidentally typed “gift with purpose”….. that too! ) are helpful self care items. Perhaps a little more focused self care is on your “to do” list for 2023?
10 Loyalty Reward points for orders over 100PV with a Loyalty Reward Order. (Ya’ll…… if you like to save money and you aren’t on Loyalty Rewards, you are totally missing out on an opportunity! This is on top of the points you’ll already be getting simply for placing a Loyalty Rewards order.
Example: When I buy NingXia Red and Life 9 every month, I’ve spent $115.25. However…. with Loyalty Rewards, I get 25% back (10% back for the first 3 months, 20% back for months 4 thru 24, and 25% back thereafter….. LOYALTY pays ! ).
In addition to that 28.81 in points I’m getting back, I’ll also get an additional 10 points back. That means this: I didn’t spend $115.25 on NingXia Red and Life 9. I spent $76.44 which is a very affordable insurance policy on Charlie James and my health .
Lavender is truly the Swiss Army Knife of oils. If you don’t know which oil to use, try lavender! Truly. It’s an oil that has 1001 uses. I personally use it for sleep, wound support, as an ingredient in my all purpose nasal spray and face serum, as an ingredient in the “LLPC” capsules or diffuser blend many of us use for “anti” allergy support. A little goes a long way, but even so, we probably go thru 4+ bottles a year. Just like my pocket knife, I don’t go far without a little lavender on hand!
The Satin Facial Scrub is a gentle minty exfoliant for your face (or arms and neck too!). This time of year can be hard on skin, so a little extra pampering would be helpful! YL makes all of its products with a purpose all the way down to the seemingly most insignificant ingredient. Have you done a little digging on the benefits of apricot seed powder? It is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins A & E both of which help to nourish and moisturize skin. (They actually do quite a bit more, and I’ll leave the investigating up to you )
I do quite a bit of lab work analysis as part of my health coaching/mentoring world. It’s ceased to be shocking to me how many people are Vitamin D deficient, because it’s so very common. We tend to think of Vitamin D and its relationship to bone health, but did you know that lower levels of Vitamin D affect insulin production, immune system function, mood, cardiovascular health, and about 400 other things in the body? Seasonal Affective Disorder is a huge problem for many people this time of year, and two major helpers for circumventing “SAD” are light therapy and Vitamin D. I suggest everyone get their Vitamin D levels checked annually (I’m even seeing teenagers with low levels) and be proactive! It usually takes several months to get Vitamin D levels back up to optimal levels ( 60-90ng/ml). Super Vitamin D is an excellent source for many people when taken regularly (Adults who are very low in D will need a higher strength. Feel free to message me about this if you have questions! ), and it’s another gift this month!
“God grant me the wisdom to change the things I can change in 2023, and the wisdom to accept the things that I cannot.” A bottle of Acceptance essential oil isn’t magical and by itself, it won’t make that above phrase come to pass (especially if you don’t open the bottle ). There is science behind this blend (as always with YL…. they don’t create products “just because”) , and the effects certain oils have on the body support the brain and neurotransmitters in ways that support healthy thought/action patterns. (Maybe that means embracing change instead of fighting it or maybe it means living with a new kind of normal in a harmonious way). The beginning of every year, every month, every week, every day, and even every moment is an opportunity to think and do in a way that inspires a beautiful and productive life. God really does desire that we be the best version of ourselves!
Acceptance is a light, fresh smelling essential oil blend I think you’ll find pleasant and uplifting.
I’m praying each one of you looks forward with anticipation to all 2023 will bring us. Imagine what the world would be like if we all used our gifts, talents, and treasures in the fullest potential!
Link to order if this is your first rodeo: https://bit.ly/3oFccZj