13 years ago, and so much (and so little has changed).
Audrey Overcomer , one of our sweetest of friends (who took this pic) met Jesus in 2019…. ten years after this pic was taken.
Foster (the pup in this pic) is romping with all the other pups who have gone before him to heaven too (yes, I do believe heaven is loaded with creatures great and small). Foster was an amazing dog, and his responsibilities were assumed by Daisy and Spanky ( who are still with us). Yes, it took two working dogs to do what Foster did… he was one of a kind intelligent!
That lawnmower died and was replaced twice.
Same farm…. it would take a circus train to move us. We’re closing in on 30 years of homesteading. Lots of trial and error experiments have gone on out here, along with learning to live with and accept the idiosyncrasies of nature.
I don’t feel like Charlie and I have changed much in some ways, but in others, we’ve definitely spread our wings and leaned more and more into understanding God’s will and desire for the both of us….. I’m laughing at myself this morning as i wear the same shirt (i love this tank!) doing morning chores. Clearly, wardrobe is not high on my priority list.
Happy Saturday friends!