While traveling to teach in Ohio earlier this month, I had a long stop in Tennessee to attend the Rogue Food Conference ( https://roguefoodconference.com/ ). While there, I met and talked to Tennessee State Senator Frank Nicely https://www.facebook.com/SenatorFrankNiceley/ . He is one of us ….. and thankfully working to keep medical freedom for Tennesseeans. He introduced a bill to allow over the counter sales of Ivermectin (ie: available in human form without a prescription) to the good people (or those who travel there) of Tennessee.
I’m not a fan of most medication, but this one is one loaded with merit, and worthy of keeping on hand in case it’s needed.
Is it safe? Let’s look at some data-
Here are the cliff notes version:
1. A study of 63 other studies of ivermectin vs C-19 in humans showed 100% positive results.
2. The 63 studies were from every continent except Antarctica (ie: worldwide data sample)
3. The combined analysis of the 63 studies showed a 69% improvement when Ivermectin was used as early treatment, and an 86% efficacy when used prophylactically.
4. 31 African countries close to the equator have had relatively few issues with the ‘rona. Perhaps this is because they use ivermectin on the regular to prevent a parasite that causes river blindness.
5. Ivermectin, is considered one of the safest of all medications available and there are no known serious drug-related adverse effects.
This is a good one to keep on hand friends. And if you are passing thru Tennessee, find a pharmacy… it’s reasonably priced…. mention Senate Bill 2188 if needed. (here’s a link to the the bill: https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx… )
xoxo~ liz