One of the most outwardly noticeable clues to the state of both physical and emotional health is posture.
Let’s stop here and do a quick assessment before getting into the how’s, what’s and why’s with this simple at home test:
1.Stand with your back next to a wall, with heels 2-4 inches from the wall. The back of head, shoulder blades, and bottom are all touching the wall.
2.Look (or feel) for correct lower back curve. You should just barely be able to slide your flat hand between your lower back and the wall. If there is too much space, bring your belly button inwards towards your spine.
3.Now, walk away from the wall holding correct posture. Return to the wall after a few minutes and see if you have maintained proper alignment.
How’d it go for you?😀 If you’ve got some work to do, you’re not alone…. Poor posture is a modern day epidemic with enormous long term ramifications.
*Why is posture so important? Simply put, a properly aligned body is considered a prerequisite for a healthy life! Think of a crooked little house. It’s outward appearance is evident, and undoubtedly its crookedness promises cracked walls and foundation, probably some leaky pipes, and maybe even an electrical fire somewhere in its future if the crookedness goes uncorrected. Over time, the crooked house will become more dilapidated until it eventually becomes uninhabitable. You’ve seen these houses. They look sad.
*Posture is one of the first things people notice in others… without even noticing they’re noticing! Posture outwardly portrays mood, emotions, health, and confidence level and is a key player in first impressions.
A 2004 study in the Journal of American Geriatrics👵👴 found that people with excellent posture tend to live longer than those with poor posture. Like the crooked little house, there is much more going on inside our “walls”.
*Poor posture (standing or sitting) leads to stiffness, pain, and increased likelihood of injuries. Perhaps this is because good posture is associated with better flexibility and balance.
*Chronic poor posture often leads to arthritis and tendonitis.
*The state of one’s posture has a profound effect on the heart, lungs, brain function, immune system, and digestion.
*Poor posture results in excess energy utilized to simply “be”. This means less energy is available for healing, metabolism, and the brainwork of thought and meditation.
*Slumping posture stretches the spinal cord and corresponding nerves. Remember that crooked house? This stretching of the nerves causes chronic stress, causing them to misfire, like a frayed or kinked electrical wire. Chronic slumping eventually leads to demyelination of the involved nerves. (Imagine how well a poorly insulated electrical cord works).
*Plumbing issues may result. Incontinence is often a problem in those with years of poor posture.
*Poor posture also adversely affects lung function.
*Poor posture plays a significant role in chronic pain and the effectiveness of pain management.
Problems associated with poor posture include:
💥Jaw pain
💥Back, hip, knee, and foot pain
💥Shoulder pain
💥Fatigue and breathing problems
💥Compressed organs (which makes it hard to digest food properly)
💥Exacerbation of lung conditions
💥Anxiety, panic attacks, and emotional disorders
💥(A precursor to) cardiovascular issues
Posture is foundationally important to our health. Stay tuned! Part II will give you tools and suggestions for improving your posture. In the meantime, one of the best ways to improve posture is to move and move often! 💃
What’s your favorite oil that gets you moving? Mine comes in a can 😁 …. Lime and black pepper…. NingXia Zyng! Have you tried it?
xoxo~ liz