Feet: Part III… Health from the ground up!
I’ve got a question for you…… when was the last time you went barefoot 👣…..outside…. and on the regular? If you’ve never been one to go barefoot, this may be an important clue for your foot health AND your overall physical and emotional wellbeing.
Certainly you’ve heard the terminology, “He (or she) is well grounded.” What does being “well grounded” feel like? Here’s the clue….”Well groundedness” is the feeling of being VIBRANTLY healthy!
Calm. Cool. Collected.
Does this sound like you? If not, a little regular “grounding” is good medicine for everyone!
What is grounding? Grounding is direct contact of the skin, usually the feet (or hands) with the surface of the earth (or through a grounding system). Grounding is a method of healing that has been used for thousands of years all over the world. Sadly, in industrialized cultures, it has mostly been ignored or forgotten.
Very simply…. the earth 🌎is electromagnetic and so are we! We are designed by God to live exposed to the earth’s natural electrical field regularly. Unfortunately, most of the industrialized countries live more surrounded by stronger, harmful man made electromagnetic frequencies, and spend very little time in direct contact with the healing frequencies from the earth. Long term exposure to manmade EMF without grounding regularly ultimately contributes mightily to many health issues…. especially those that are neurological, cardiovascular, muscular, or immune system based. 😔 I would argue that one of the most electrically unhealthy places to be is in a hospital bed surrounded by electrical devices.
Decades ago, shoes were leather soled. This allowed the transfer of the earth’s healing energy to a person. Rubber and plastic on the other hand are insulators and inhibit the transfer of energy. Centuries ago, most people slept on pallets on the ground. Many cultures today still do…. but rarely in modernized countries. Sadly, in some areas of the world, people go for days or weeks never interacting with nature, much less going barefoot IN a natural setting.
There’s definitely a time and a place for shoes, but as in all things, finding balance between booted and barefoot is where we often fail. Over the centuries, shoes👠👟 have both solved problems and created them. I am a firm believer that God did indeed give us all we needed in the garden, which means there had to be a simple solution to foot health outside of a pair of $200 orthotics. Indeed, God created us to be predominately barefooted beings and science agrees!
Proven health benefits of regular “grounding” include:
📋Reduced inflammation throughout the body
📋Improved immune system function
📋Improved pain management
📋Decreased stress response / improved cortisol rhythm (which helps us shift more easily from “fight & flight” to “rest and digest”)
📋Improved circulation and decreased blood viscosity
📋Improved emotional health (increased serotonin levels)
📋Improved heart rate variability (which is associated with better recovery, emotional resilience, and an overall feeling of well-being)
📋Improved sleep patterns
📋Improved wound healing
How to practice grounding?👣 It’s so very easy! Soil, grass, sand, rocks, or unpainted concrete are all conductive grounding surfaces, while wood, asphalt, rubber, and vinyl are not. Grab a book, a friend, or simply enjoy sitting and relaxing in the outdoors barefoot. Go for a walk on a beach. Garden with your bare hands. Sit in a chair with your bare feet on the ground. Leave your electronics indoors! ….. Remember, the object is to rebalance the body’s electricity. It’s much harder to do that if you’ve got a cell phone in your hands!
*Studies show that a mere 30 minutes a day of grounding has a profound effect on overall wellness!
Additionally, simply walking barefoot:
➡️Trains the body to walk more naturally
➡️Improves body balance
➡️As in reflexology, pressure points in the feet are activated
➡️Improves posture
➡️Strengthens foot and leg muscles (engages all muscles in feet, toes, and legs instead of relying on shoes to do it for you)
➡️Reduced hip and knee pain
➡️Reduces incidence of calluses, ingrown toenails, bunions, hammer toes and foot funk fungus
➡️Improves foot flexibility
Grounding and barefoot walking are two gifts of health we can give ourselves easily and inexpensively. If at first your feet object to freedom, consider simply sitting with your feet in the grass (don’t forget to use Young Living’s MOST AMAZING nontoxic Insect Repellent… a little dab’ll do ya’!). If your feet have been screaming for years, be patient with the process, but don’t give up!
If you’ve got achy arches, consider applying this blend regularly to the bottoms of your feet and incorporate some foot stretching exercises into your routine:
(in a 10ml roller bottle)
12 drops of copaiba
32 drops lemongrass
32 drops peppermint
12 drops helichrysum
12 drops frankincense
Fill the remaining space with the carrier oil of your choice!
It is no coincidence that VIBRANT and “vibrate” share the same etymology lineage. That’s energy my friends….in essence, grounding is like energy nutrition!
xoxo~ liz