How did we sail (or freeze 😬) thru February so fast? Well, here we are in March 2021 already!
If you are already a Young Living member, take some time today to adjust your Essential Rewards order so you can get the freebies that are calling you name this month…. there are some goodies for sure! Rutavala and Copaiba are staples at our house. Free is a beautiful thing ( and it means I can get that new tube of YL Savvy mascara and brown multi-tasker I’ve been needing 😍)!
Here’s a little background on the freebies this month from the science side:
👉Blue Cypress: we don’t hear about it often…… but I’ve learned that whenever you see a “blue” oil, sit up and take notice because it’s power packed. Not only does it smell AMAZING (one of the reasons it’s often found in perfumes), it supports a healthy inflammatory response….. and friends, there is a BIG difference between a healthy and unhealthy inflammatory response 🔥. Do some digging on it…… it also helps create an inhospitable environment for viruses 😉.
👉Idaho Grand Fir (formerly known as Idaho Balsam Fir) is also well known for supporting a healthy inflammatory response. Do you feel like you can breathe more easily when you are in an evergreen forest? Crisp and clean…… but there’s more to it than that! These trees have powerful constituents (another word for natural “ingredients”) God put in them to help us breathe more easily. Our forefathers (rather, fore-mothers most likely!) used to make syrups and poultices from this tree to help when lungs were not functioning as they should. Do some digging….. our ancestors were some smarties even tho they didn’t know the science behind it all!
👉Rutavala is one of my faves! Normally I buy the premade roller bottle to help me sleep at night. ( I Swipe it across the base of my big toes for a great night’s sleep). The disadvantage of the roller bottle is that it’s premixed with carrier oil and you can’t drop it into a diffuser either. This 5ml blend is undiluted, so you can get your relaxation in many different forms! Make your own roller bottle (that’s my plan!) or use it however you prefer. Rutavala tends to be seasonal, so it’s not uncommon to find it out of stock later in the year……. if you love it, and it serves you well ….. be sure to snag it for free! I believe a good night’s sleep is priceless 😴!
👉Copaiba is another of my faves. Frankly, every home should have this one on hand at all times, especially once you realize what it can do. It has a very “quiet” fragrance, but don’t let that fool you. It too supports a healthy inflammatory response for everything from teething to sore joints to inflamed tummies or lungs. (Do some digging on this powerful and stealthy oil!)
👉Lavender…. what can I say? It’s a Swiss army knife in the oil world. If you aren’t sure which oil to grab, 99 times out of 100, Lavender will do the trick! And 15mls on this one friends! ……because you can never have too much lavender in the house! Can I get an Amen??
👉Clary Sage…. it’s not just for gals (although gals, it may become your BFF if you need a little assist during “that time of the month” or your spouse or significant other says you have bit of inner dragon * during certain times of the month.)
Historically speaking, this plant was used to draw thorns and splinters from the skin. I don’t know about you, but thorns and splinters still exist…. just ask a farmgirl or farm guy 😂. Did you know…. Clary sage also plays a role in supporting the immune system, calming digestive disorders, and supporting a healthy inflammatory response (especially on the skin?…… perhaps adding a couple drops to your DIY skin serum may be in order? 😉)
All of this goodness is free with qualifying orders…. see the graphic for deets.😍
What’s your fave? How do you best use it? Let’s help each other out and drop a story about how one of these oils has helped you or your family in the comments below. I might even send someone who comments a little happy mail * just in time for St. Paddy’s Day!
Happy March Everyone!!
xoxo~ liz