“More vaccine related legislation has been filed in state legislatures across the country in 2022 than in any other year.”
Is this a good thing, or a bad thing? Well, that depends. The goal should always be to protect our individual rights to choose voluntary, informed consent of ALL vaccinations.
In 2022 there were 875 vaccine related bills in 44 of our 50 states ( and Washington DC). The excellent news is that the tides appear to be turning in most states. However, of the 875 bills, 186 of them are still a danger to personal autonomy. Does your state have one of these over reaching bills? If you live in California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, or Pennsylvania…. this is your sign. Get involved and make sure your voice is heard.
God gave us immune systems for a reason. Support it well, and it will support you well.
xoxo~ liz
(PS: LOTS of good news in this newsletter too. Example: 21 states have legislation prohibiting forcing students from getting a COVID shot as a requirement to attend school……. my Texas peeps. We are one of those states. Don’t let your kiddos get railroaded into believing otherwise).