Sunday afternoon PSA from your friendly pharmacist 👩⚕️ here:
I have heard from a couple of trusted medical information sources that a majority of people who are having the hardest time recovering from CV-19 are those who were self medicating their symptoms with Advil, Ibuprofen, and Aleve prior to ending up in the hospital.
The FDA recently issued a “jury’s still out statement”, BUT…maaaybee you might think about looking for another way to find relief. #bettersafethanworry
As your friend and as someone who has watched how slowly the FDA responds to sticky drug situations in the past, I’d like to recommend considering the following…..
1. If you have any cold, flu, or allergy like symptoms that include body aches, back away from the OTC 💊NSAIDS (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs like Ibprofen or Aleve) in the event that you might have a mild case of CV-19 or get exposed to someone who might have CV-19.
2. If you are currently taking 💊 NSAIDS for chronic inflammation as a daily medication (such as Celebrex, Naproxen, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen) consider trying an alternative in the event that you do come in contact with someone who is CV-19 positive.
In our household, we’ve had great success for the last 6 years with daily use of Young Living’s Sulfurzyme capsules, BLM capsules (me) or Agilease capsules (Charlie), and then occasional use of Young Living’s CBD rub and Panaway essential oil blend if we need any “extra” help.
Stay safe friends!
xoxo~ liz
PS: The above mentioned YL products that Charlie and I use can be ordered at or please do talk to the friend that may have already introduced you to Young Living. 😘