Postpartum depression. It affects 10-15% of women post pregnancy, and often begins a merrygoround of medication use that is hard get off. Take a few minutes to read this gal’s story. She is not alone.
Several years ago at the pharmacy, I began asking women who were getting new prescriptions for antidepressants or antianxiety medications if they had received labwork prior to being handed a first time antidepressant or antianxiety prescription by their doctor. Remarkably, 95% or more had not.
This issue isn’t always about low progesterone (read the story) . It could be an unresolved thyroid issue, a low Vitamin D level, or many other possibilities fairly easily spotted by doing proper labwork analysis. Sadly, insurance often won’t pay for this, and many doctors who work for a medical conglomerate healthcare system won’t order the needed labs because it falls outside of the approved diagnostic protocols set by upper management or insurance companies.
Save yourself some time and grief and get the labs necessary by paying out of pocket. It can be done easily in most states. This is one of the services I offer in my health coaching calls. It just might change your life. 😘…/postpartum-anxiety…/…
xoxo~ liz