Sunday musings :
This is the first mainstream article I’ve seen that scientifically identifies micro-clotting as a primary root cause of long haulers (people in the alternative health community have been talking about it amongst ourselves for several months now). It’s good to know my personal theory is validated by “science officials” and that the non Big Pharma measures I’ve been suggesting to my clients are on point. Note too, the long haulers symptoms are also being seen in some who have opted to partake in the great experiment.
Long term subclinical oxygen and nutrient deprivation causes the body to recognize subclinical starvation and asphyxiation, and respond accordingly. Microclotting is happening at the capillary level which is where carbon dioxide, toxins, and other “trash” are exchanged for oxygen and nutrients. Now imagine what might happen long term as the toxin load builds while oxygen and nutrients are withheld: fatigue, headaches, anxiety, depression, (even occasional borderline psychosis), brain fog, blood pressure swings and more. It’s like the streets of NYC when there’s a garbage strike!
You can read more about this here:
(For the record, I personally believe this is a much more common problem than what the author of this article states. I’m thankful information like this is finally making it into print so people can learn and begin connecting the dots. )
xoxo~ liz
(PS: totally off topic, but our 6th round of Biblical Citizenship classes start tonight at 6:30pm CST. If you’d like to know more about the Constitution and how our role as Christians in society has been altered from original intent, we’d love to have you join us! Message me, and I’ll hook you up. It’s a ZOOM call…. 90 minutes a week for 8 weeks will change your world! )