Alrighty friends, we are going to tackle a booger bear over the next few weeks. Stress is a stealth burglar of health. It can creep up on you, knock you to your knees and follow up with a sucker punch in the gut before you even knew what hit ya. Nobody is immune to the negative influences of unmitigated chronic stress. Oftentimes, we can get so caught up living with stress, it begins to “feel” normal. God did not design us to live in eternal “fight or flight”. If we do live this way, eventually a health crisis will occur. The Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory Survey📊 is a widely recognized health coaching tool used to help assess the probability of future “health breakdowns” if stress remains unaddressed.
Take some time to honestly assess yourself. 👍150 points or less: a relatively low susceptibility to stress induced health problems 150-300 points: (if nothing changes) a 50% chance of a stress induced health concern in the next 2 years. 300: an 80% risk of a stress induced health concern within the next 2 years. Frankly, assessing your stress load (and how well you mediate it) just might be the most important clue🔎 of this series. I’ll be unpacking additional clues and ways to mediate chronic stress next week. Thankfully, stress management is not an expensive undertaking… there is so much you can do affordably or for free. The hardest part is honestly acknowledging the damage stress may be causing behind the scenes. What you can’t see is still causing harm. Some studies suggest chronic stress is as hard on the heart as a five🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬 cigarette a day habit. Yikes!😳 See ya’ll next week. I’m headed off to bulk order Stress Away!😉 xoxo~ liz #sharingiscaring #relaxingisgoodmedicine #learningtoletgo #ThanksYL