“….Collateral damage”. In war, there is a legal concept that exists where there is some “acceptable level” of damage to innocent bystanders. This is decided upon by those who are deciding the rules of engagement.
But what if….. the collateral damage (casualty list) is greater than the casualty list of the soldiers fighting? In my opinion, I’d start to question the intelligence and allegiance of who is directing the lobbing of the bombs (or whatever other method of destruction is being used).
To Date: 1,053,828 (over 1 million ) C O V D Jab adverse events reported in the USA alone. https://openvaers.com/ . This includes 22,193 jab reported deaths. (and we know that these numbers are MUCH MUCH higher according to a Harvard Study).
Recent news is revealing more and more each day about the real C O V D death numbers and the actual numbers of people dying FROM Covid are quite different from those dying WITH Covid. Comorbidities (2.9 on average) and the sheer inaccuracy of PCR testing ( https://childrenshealthdefense.org/…/pcr-testing…/ ) ….. but I digress.
When the numbers affecting those who have been “collaterally damaged” surpasses those who were killed fighting a war, there’s a problem. We’ve long arrived at that problem.
Risk versus benefit is something medical professionals should be well trained in. It’s something we should all be trained in just in day to day living. We are the CEO of ourselves. As the CEO, the health of each of our “companies” is dependent upon risk versus benefit analysis.
Run your body the way you’d run a business. (Accurate) numbers don’t lie.
xoxo~ liz
Button below has the link to the VAERS website.