The health and wellness of “us” also depends on the health and wellness of the country we live in (Interestingly, also “US”). Because of this, I began taking classes on the Constitution and then teaching them. History truth is as important as health truth if we are to be whole body healthy. I Corinthians 12 speaks about the roles we all have in life so that the “whole body” can be healthy. We can look at this on a microscopic level (gut health) or a macroscropic level (country or world health). Either way, it requires unity to be healthy.
Mahatma Gandhi said, “An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.”
Let’s keep history accurate so we can be healthy both individually and as a country and world! 🙏🇺🇸♥️😊
I’ve had 2 discussions with people in the last few weeks regarding the Constitution. These are people who also say they love the Constitution but believe it is written for a country based on democracy. The word “democracy” is not mentioned in the Constitution. (Check out Article 4, section 4 within in the Constitution ) To love, respect, believe, and honor Constitution (that which protects every single one of us here in the USA), first requires understanding what it does and does not include.
The author of the article below sums his article up nicely here …..
“A major difference between a republic and a democracy is immediacy. The Founders wanted laws made by representatives in order to put a buffer between popular passions and legislation. In a democracy, decisions are made in the heat of the moment, while periodic elections in a republic provide a cooling off period. To a great extent, democracies are ruled by feelings, while in a republic, the rule of law governs. In a republic, politicians can take principled actions that go against the will of many of their constituents with the knowledge that they will be judged by all the actions they take during their entire term in office.”
xoxo~ liz 🙏🇺🇸♥️