t’s certainly an upside down world we live in………
Today, I read yet another article about yet another 💊medication that is getting its very own black box warning.
Montelukast (Brand name: Singulair)….. a medication used for seasonal allergies and asthma. Given to big people and to little people 👶👧….. as young as 2 yrs old (although I’ve seen prescriptions for even younger).
The warning labels for the prescription bottle have included a statement about change in mood or behavior in tiny print for years…. so really, this is nothing new to the FDA.
In the retail pharmacy world, montelukast is considered a “fast mover”…. meaning LOTS of people are on this medication for allergies and asthma.
Today…. the FDA announced it was finally acknowledging that this medication needed stronger wording and would get its black box. ….. a medication that has been around 22 years.
I have quite a few questions swirling in my head:
After 22 years. Why did it take so long for the FDA to come to this conclusion, especially given the millions of people that have taken it?
The children…. how do they even know how to verbalize how they might be feeling while on this medication? #blesstheirhearts
Why did it take public outcry in the form of a petition to get this warning updated?
Why is it still ok to prescribe to little people who can’t even verbalize how they might be feeling in their little heads?
Did you know that homes using standard commercial cleaners, air fresheners, glass cleaners etc that are toxin based have a 30-50% greater risk of having an asthma or allergy sufferer living under the same roof?
OR…. that the risk increases as the chemical soup thickens if you use multiple products?
I’m wondering how many prescribers ask this simple question before writing the prescription:
“What have you done in the way of removing respiratory irritants from your home?”
Presently, 1 in 10 children in the USA has asthma. (It was 3.6% in 1980). There are many reasons for this tremendous increase…. but the quality of our home/indoor air is one thing that we can ALL control. #dothethingsthatmatter
Have you ever heard of Thieves Household Cleaner?
👉Non Irritating to the Lungs
👉Plant Based
👉Immune supportive instead of harmful
👉Ultra concentrated / economical
👉Effective… heck, we even use it to clean our cows udders around here, and we drink our milk raw. THAT ought to tell ya my confidence level 😉
We mostly use Thieves simply… a capful or two in a standard spray bottle. That’s it. Easy peasy.
If you are a DIY’er or a healthy minimalist, there are lots of ways to clean with this one simple product:
Thieves Household Cleaner…. it actually does a body good.
Hugs and love friends, liz
#andtheFDAthinksLavenderisdangerous #SMH