Health Clues You Can Use: The Candida Spit Test
We’ve moved on to the mouth ya’ll! Today we’re only going to cover one topic because it is large and important: Candida. Candida traditionally gets a bad rap as a fungus amongst us, but it actually has a valuable job in digestion and nutrient absorption. The problem is that a little goes a long way, and when its environment is favorable, Candida will take over in a hot minute……and in our modern world, it doesn’t take long for that to happen!
A few of the most common triggers for candida run amok include:
🔥A high carb, high sugar diet
🔥Excessive alcohol consumption
🔥Chronic Stress
🔥Certain medications (eg: Statins, antacids, birth control pills and synthetic hormone replacement therapies for both men and women, antibiotics, steroids -including inhaled, immunosuppressants typically given to treat autoimmune disorders)
🔥Heavy metals (think fillings and some tattoo inks)
🔥Even a diet excessively rich in fermented foods can aggravate the healthy gut flora balance. #everythinginmoderationfriends!
A healthy gut generally keeps Candida levels under control. This is but one reason to embrace the daily ritual of taking 👉Young Living’s Life 9 probiotic. Candida is often a contributor to leaky gut. In a perfect world, everything stays inside the gut, but the little tentacle-like fingers that candida grows may push thru the gut lining causing the digestive tract to leak into the body. This is problematic for many reasons, but for the point here…….Candida can now invade other parts of the body, transitioning into a full-body attack.
Symptoms of candida overgrowth can be experienced in many different forms:
👉Skin infections and disorders (athlete’s foot, jock itch, vaginal yeast infections, ringworm, and fungal infections in folds of skin, eczema, hives and rashes of unknown origin )
👉Nail infections including toenail fungus (go back and check your nail clues notes!)
👉Digestive issues including diarrhea, constipation, and/or bloating
Flareups of autoimmune diseases (including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriasis)
👉Severe seasonal allergies
👉Itchy ears
👉Strong sugar and refined carb cravings
👉Difficulty concentrating, brain fog, poor memory and/or lack of focus
Are your spidey senses humming with some of these clues? If so, it’s time to try the “Candida Spit Test”.
This simple test is best done first thing in the morning before ANYTHING is put into the mouth (even water!).
Spit into a clear glass filled with water.
Observe your spit every 15 minutes for one hour.
A “positive” test would include the following features:
* Strings of saliva resembling jellyfish tentacles traveling down into the water
* Cloudy specs suspended in the water
* Cloudy saliva that sinks to the bottom of the glass
If there are none of these features in the glass after one hour, the odds are in your favor that your Candida population is under control. Remember that our bodies change daily, especially if there has been an extended season of stress or exposure to Candida triggers. This is a good test to consider employing whenever you have a few of the symptoms (ahem, clues!) mentioned above.
If you discover that you likely do have a candida population explosion, remember to work on eliminating the triggers mentioned above, make sure you are taking Life 9 and one of Young Living’s digestive enzymes (Essentialzymes-4, Essentialzyme, Allerzyme, Detoxzyme, or for the kiddos – MightyZyme) daily for healthy gut support, and consider incorporating “candida diet” eating habits into your life!
A healthy immune system will help keep Candida growth in check too! You know what to do, right? Support your body with all the tools available to us through Young Living and nature!
xoxo~ liz